Who prepares for midlife especially when it comes early? Too early. It didn’t even occur to me that I might be in menopause. After all, I’d mised three cycles and I was only in my early forties. But after a visit to the doctor, it was confirmed. For a few days I was paralyzed with fear and all the negative stories I’d ever heard about menopause, came flooding in.

Deep down I knew I had to draw on the ancient goddess wisdom to help me through this. When I asked the goddesses for guidance in my morning meditation, Aphrodite came through loud and clear. I turned fear into hope and eventually joy.

For me Aphrodite represents deep self-love and because she was so present during this time, she became my patron goddess.

“The Goddess doesn’t enter us from outside; she emerges from deep within. She is not held back by what happened in the past. She is conceived in consciousness, born in love, and nurtured by higher thinking. She is integrity and value, created and sustained by hard work of personal growth and the discipline of a life lived actively in hope.”- Marianne Williamson.

And yes, working with the goddesses requires a daily discipline.

Here are the steps I took to my awakening to Midlife Joy – forget “midlife crisis” – welcome to the Third Act of your Life.


I used to define self-love as being selfish, self-absorbed, and the only person one cares about is themselves. This is simply not true.  What is wrong with wanting things, being happy and taking care of our own well-being?


Now is the time to start looking at your sleep pattern to see if you’re getting enough sleep. It’s time to look at your diet and kick that sugar habit. And stop being a “people pleaser”.

Witness the Beauty

It’s a cliché but stop and smell the roses. Slow down. At this midlife time you’ll start to realize that life moves so fast so savor this precious time.

As you embrace this chapter, remember to be present in all stages of your life.


Treat your body like a temple and please, stop the body shame! Embrace your feminine curves.


Celebrate your successes no matter how small. Success breeds success and reward yourself.

Midlife Joy is a newfound perspective of acceptance and surrender. Each new phase can take us to a deeper state of knowing if we only just remain open to all that life has to teach us.

My hope is, you’ll remain open too!