Every day is a special day to take time to appreciate the people we love, and to celebrate having love in our lives. The Month of Love serves as a reminder of our affection for others, a day when we focus on spoiling them with gifts and words of love.
Many people forget that the ability to truly love others is rooted in one´s ability to love oneself. Most people do not take time to reflect on what makes them lovable, or how they deserve their own love and attention.
Women especially tend to give to everyone else – but not to themselves – giving to family, friends, work, and volunteer causes. This all leaves very little time left over for themselves.
Put on your oxygen mask first. If you take good care of yourself, including your physical and emotional health, you have so much more to offer others. Think of airplane safety instructions: Put on your own oxygen mask before you put on your child’s. If you don’t take proper care of yourself, you aren’t as capable of caring for others. When you begin taking care of yourself, without feeling guilty, you will notice that your overall well-being, energy, self-esteem, and relationships will improve.
Feed your soul. See yourself as a priority by making time to do the things that feed your soul, whether that includes taking a walk, soaking in a hot bubble bath, seeing a friend, listening to a podcast, or simply reading a book. According to psychologists, if you don´t make time for yourself, you won´t have the energy to take care of others.
Take time for yourself. Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself. The truth is that taking time for yourself will lead to a more positive, appreciative outlook toward others, so you’re simply doing yourself AND others a favor.
If you’re feeling stressed and it’s hard for you to calm down and relax, consider meditation, yoga or a walk in nature. A clear mind helps you to stay more focused and positive.
Practice saying “no”. Many women feel obliged to say yes to every request that comes their way. But you need to realize that nobody is capable of being all things to all people. What are you saying “yes” to that you would rather say “no” to? Do not feel guilty if you must turn down something. Even Superwoman needs to say “no” once in a while. Learn to say “yes” to yourself and make yourself a priority.
It is best to reserve the space and time for self-care to keep it going. Put your self-care time in your calendar. Relax and rejuvenate. The time for self-care is now!
Do take some time to consider what you need to feel loved by yourself, and then go for it!
Remember that self-care is non-negotiable.
Good self-care leads to self-love, and to love and appreciation of others.
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash