Setting up your Yoga Nidra nest is all about creating a space where you feel completely safe, supported, and at ease.

Here’s how to craft the perfect environment for your practice:

1. Choose Your Space
Pick a quiet, cozy area where you won’t be disturbed. Whether it’s your bedroom, living room, or even a dedicated meditation space, the key is to make it feel inviting and peaceful.

2. Gather Your Essentials
Yoga Mat or Comfortable Surface: Lay down a yoga mat, thick blanket, or soft carpet to create a base.
Blanket: Keep a blanket handy to stay warm. Your body temperature can drop as you relax deeply.
Pillow or Bolster: Place a pillow under your head and maybe a bolster under your knees to support your lower back.

3. Add Layers of Comfort
Eye Mask or Light Covering: Block out light with an eye pillow or scarf to help you fully relax.
Socks and Layers: Wear warm socks and layers so you’re completely cozy.

4. Set the Mood
Lighting: Dim the lights or use soft lighting like battery operated candles or a salt lamp.
Sound: Use your headphones or ear buds to listen to your guided Yoga Nidra session.
Scent: Incorporate essential oils if you like. Lavender, sandalwood, or chamomile are great options for relaxation.

5. Keep Support Nearby
Water Bottle or Tea: Have water or a calming tea nearby for after your session.
Notebook and Pen: Keep a journal handy to jot down insights or reflections that arise during or after your practice.

6. Eliminate Distractions
Turn off your phone or set it to “Do Not Disturb” mode. Let anyone you live with know you’ll be taking some uninterrupted time for yourself.

7. Lie Down and Let Go
Once your nest is ready, settle in, close your eyes, and prepare to sink into the profound rest of Yoga Nidra.

Creating your nest is a simple but powerful act of self-care—a sacred space that invites deep relaxation and renewal. Enjoy every moment of the stillness and restoration it brings.

Imagine starting 2025 with intention, clarity, and the deep rest your mind, body, and spirit crave.
Rest to Rise: A 21-Day Yoga Nidra Journey begins January 5th—a chance to embrace ease, release stress, and create space for the vitality and peace you crave.

For more info and registration click here