The goddesses play a role in so many areas of our lives, which is why we honor them in our retreats.

Sekhmet is the Egyptian lioness headed goddess of healing, protection, grace and a keen intelligence.

Sekhmet with her lioness roar invites you to use your voice in a unique way and to stand up for yourself.
Such is the potential of the lioness!

I invite you to connect with Sekhmet’s wisdom with the vocal empowerment practice below.
Embody your Inner Lioness & Roar. Raise Your Sekhmet Energy!

But first, grab your journal and take five to ten minutes free writing your answers to the questions below.

Do you over commit because can’t say no?
Do you find yourself swallowing your words to avoid conflict?

Release the guilt for asking for what you want. Connect and open your throat chakra.

The asana below is very helpful for relieving stress and for opening the throat chakra – your center of communication.

Open Your Throat Chakra – Lion’s Pose.

Get on all fours with a neutral spine and open your mouth wide.
Exhale in one move while sticking out your tongue and opening your jaw as much as possible.
Roar at the top of your voice while exhaling.
The roar should be with a “haa” sound and should not be a long drawn out one. Rather, it should be one explosion of breath that empties your lungs in the shortest time possible.
Imagine Sekhmet’s tremendous lioness roar.
Hold the roar sound for between 10 and 20 seconds.
Do not inhale immediately after this pose; inhale after the specified 20 to 30 seconds.
Repeat 5 or 6 times.

When we embody Sekhmet, we gain the power and strength to overcome our inner obstacles, self-doubt, fears, and self-loathing. We reclaim our power and vibrancy to live the life we were born to live.

One of the most powerful medicines the goddess Sekhemt gives us, is self-forgiveness.

Please let me know how it works for you!
