My phone is pretty much on all day but I’m ready to turn it off and give myself a digital detox. During our Transformational Goddess Retreats it’s so refreshing to unplug (it’s part of retreating after all) so why don’t we do it in our regular lives?

Our phones keep us always plugged in and distracted, worrying we are missing something or worse, missing out on something.

But really, being constantly plugged-in is draining. Our culture doesn’t value doing nothing or taking time for ourselves and glorifies being available around the clock. Our personal lives suffer as a result.

Eventually, all this multi-tasking, overworking and putting ourselves last, leads to exhaustion, resentment, and sick days in bed to recover. And sadly we miss out on living a joyful, fulfilling life.

Try turning off all of your digital devices for an hour or pick one day every week.

The world won’t end, and you’ll regain some of your sanity. If this seems too extreme, start setting time limits on your phone apps and screen time.

Who’s with me??

If you’d like to discover more ways to renew your energy, click the link below for the “5 Secrets to Living a Life You Love” for your free download.